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Published on May 11, 2024
DigiLocker – A simple and secure document wallet for Citizens.
Name DigiLocker
Publisher National eGovernance Division, Government of India
Category Productivity
Version 8.0.5
Size 32.63MB
Price FREE
Requires Android 10 and up
MOD Features -
Link Download Play Store
Play Store Aside from storing and accessing your essential documents, DigiLocker also offers a number of extra tools to help you manage them. For example, you can easily and securely share your documents with other users, as well as scan and upload them to the cloud for storage.

DigiLocker – A simple and secure document wallet for Citizens.

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Introduce about DigiLocker

DigiLocker is a key initiative under Digital India, the Government of India's flagship program aimed at transforming India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. Targeted at the idea of paperless governance, DigiLocker is a platform for issuance and verification of documents & certificates in a digital way, thus eliminating the use of physical documents. The DigiLocker website can be accessed at

What is DigiLocker?

Digilocker is a free business and productivity app developed by the government of India designed to provide a digital platform for Indian citizens to store, manage, and verify important documents. This virtual locker seeks to transform the country into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. Digilocker stands apart from other government-run apps, such as UMANG India and Bhashini, which only serve the needs of specific sectors. It provides a comprehensive platform that incorporates multiple government agencies responsible for issuing various crucial public and private documents. It seamlessly blends all facets of document provisioning and management.

Download DigiLocker APK for Android

Digilocker is a revolutionary initiative that has made it easy for Indian citizens to store, share, and access their digital documents easily and securely. With its range of benefits and easy accessibility, it has become an essential tool for anyone looking to manage their important documents efficiently and safely. Its user-friendly interface and integration with other services make it a must-have tool for every citizen in India.

What does it offer?

Digilocker enables users to store and access their documents in a secure and convenient manner. The app is linked to the user’s Aadhaar card, a unique identification number issued by the Indian government. Once the Aadhaar card is linked, users can start uploading their documents, such as educational certificates, driving licenses, and PAN cards, onto the app. It is also possible for them to request personal certificates from any government agency. The platform’s security features guarantee the confidentiality and safety of the stored documents. For instance, the documents are encrypted using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and user authentication is done using the Aadhar number. This ensures that only the authorized user can access the documents. Additionally, the integration of the Know-Your-Customer (KYC) system reinforces the app's security features to prevent potential misuse of personal information. As the app aims to forward the concept of a paperless India, it streamlines the process of reducing the need for physical copies of documents. This not only saves time and effort but also reduces the possibility of fraud and identity theft. With a user-friendly interface, users will find it easy to navigate the app. The only drawback of the app is its intermittent technical glitches.

Available Versions of DigiLocker

DigiLocker v8.0.5
DigiLocker v8.0.5

You can now access your documents and certificates from your DigiLocker on your mobile devices.

DigiLocker uses advanced security technologies to ensure the privacy and security of your documents. In addition, the app is backed by the Indian government, giving you confidence and peace of mind. In short, DigiLocker is a practical and revolutionary app that offers you an easy and secure solution to save your vital documents and access them anytime, anywhere. Download it on your Android device from AndroBranch!

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