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Ecosia: Browse to plant trees.

Updated on June 28, 2024
Name Ecosia: Browse to plant trees.
Package Name
Publisher Ecosia
Category Communication
Version 10.0.2
Size 218MB
Price FREE
Requires Android
Link Download Play Store

Like other search engines, we make money through ads, but we use 100% of our profits for the planet. The Ecosia community has already planted 200 million trees in over 35 countries.

Table of contents
Ecosia: Browse to plant trees. Ecosia: Browse to plant trees. Ecosia: Browse to plant trees. Ecosia: Browse to plant trees. Ecosia: Browse to plant trees. Ecosia: Browse to plant trees. Ecosia: Browse to plant trees.

Introduce about Ecosia: Browse to plant trees.

If you want to join the fight against climate change and worldwide deforestation, now you can do so while you browse the internet on your device thanks to Ecosia. You can set this app as the default search engine on your phone and help in this great cause without doing anything out of the ordinary.

What is Ecosia: Browse to plant trees.?

Ad blocker and fast browsing — The Ecosia app is based on Chromium and gives you an intuitive, fast and secure browsing experience with everything you need, including tabs, incognito mode, bookmarks, downloads and a built-in ad blocker. We also show a green leaf beside your results that are pro-environment, helping you make greener choices whilst you search.

Download Ecosia: Browse to plant trees. APK for Android

The way Ecosia works is a lot like using Google or Yahoo for searching. The main difference is that Ecosia uses part of the money it earns from users' browsing to plant trees in different parts of the globe. Ecosia's website provides tons of information about this initiative in order to be certain of the transparency of the project. For example, you can see how long until they plant the next tree and the total number of trees planted so far. It also includes financial reports every six weeks that include the receipts for all the trees planted. Ecosia is a great alternative to other search engines. Unlike other companies that offer similar services, this one allocates part of the proceeds to a great cause. Thanks to this eco-friendly app, you can make a difference in the world simply by browsing like you normally would be doing anyways.

Available Versions of Ecosia: Browse to plant trees.

Ecosia: Browse to plant trees. v10.0.2
Ecosia: Browse to plant trees. v10.0.2

Get Ecosia today and be climate active every day

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