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Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant

Published on July 12, 2024
Grammarly for Chrome is a safe, free android application that helps writers check the spelling, grammar, and punctuation of their work.
Name Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant
Publisher Grammarly, Inc.
Category Productivity
Version 2.60.46972
Size 17.58
Price ₹2,550.00 – ₹11,800.00 per item
Requires Android
App Store - Available
Link Download Play Store

Edit and correct your grammar, spelling, punctuation, and more with your personal writing assistant, grammar checker, and editor.

Table of contents
Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant

Introduce about Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant

The Grammarly Keyboard helps you write mistake-free and with ease in any app you use on your mobile device. It provides hundreds of checks and features, along with seamless integration. Whether you're sending an urgent email, important LinkedIn message, or essential Facebook post, you can write from your phone with confidence.

Grammarly for Chrome is a safe, free android application that helps writers check the spelling, grammar, and punctuation of their work. The Grammarly extension for Chrome integrates with online publishing platforms including Twitter, Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, WordPress, Google Docs, and LinkedIn. It can also be used with Microsoft Word. The extension is compatible with most operating systems including Windows 11.

What is Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant?

Edit and correct your grammar, spelling, punctuation, and more with your personal writing assistant, grammar checker, and editor.

The Grammarly writing app and proofreader allows you to write clearly, confidently, and mistake-free in all your apps. Advanced features such as the AI-powered rewrite tool help you enhance your vocabulary, spell check words, and improve your writing - from emails to social media posts.

When you join the millions of people using the Grammarly Keyboard, you’ll benefit from:

An easy-to-use AI keyboard that works in all your apps

- Spelling, grammar, and conciseness suggestions

- Vocabulary and clarity recommendations (Premium only)

- Tone detection

- Tone transformations (Premium only)

- Multiword text predictions

- Smart autocorrect

- Emoji predictions and search bar

Generative AI Rewrites

- New versions of your entire message in a couple of taps

- Versions adjust for length, fluency, tone, and more

- Works in all your favorite apps

A document editor for long-form writing

- Comprehensive writing feedback

- Cloud-based document management

- Personal writing statistics

- Compatible with hardware keyboards

A Safari extension for typing on websites

- Spelling and grammar checker

How does Grammarly check grammar?

On Grammarly for Chrome, corrections and suggestions are made instantly as users write. Thanks to a simple interface, it is quick and easy for writers to make the suggested corrections. They can also choose for spelling errors to be automatically corrected, although this might annoy some writers. Writers can use the spell checker in two ways:

The first option is to use the extension to highlight errors and suggestions directly on the website they are writing for. While this function is designed to work across all online publishing platforms, some users might find that error highlights do not display properly on some webpages.

Secondly, writers can draft content using the online document functionality provided on the web app. They can then either copy and paste the text into the editor of their desired website or download a copy of the text as a .docx file.

Optional paid-for upgrades to premium individual and business accounts offer users additional functionality beyond basic spelling, grammar, and punctuation checks, including features that focus on the consistency, clarity, and engagement of the writing.

Help with English spelling and grammar

Available to download on Google Chrome for Android and Google Chrome Mac, Grammarly for Chrome can detect several differences in American, British, Canadian, and Australian English. This makes it useful for writers who need to maintain a certain writing style for particular audiences. It is easy to change the dictionary from the extension icon on the browser.

The Grammarly extension is also useful for anyone who is not a native English speaker and has to write text in English regularly. The paid-for upgrades make suggestions on vocabulary and tone, further assisting non-native English speakers to produce high-quality writing. Grammarly supports only the English language.

For writers who need to check non-English texts, Ginger Spell and Grammar Checker offer checking and translation of more than 40 different languages.

Personalized writing tips

In addition to being able to access the free checker, users can also register an account with Grammarly to access personalized writing support.

Registered users can opt-in to receive a weekly report to help them track their progress and identify areas for improvement. The report records a user’s word count for the week and vocabulary usage, as well as highlighting their top grammar mistakes.

For writers who are interested in further tools to improve their writing skills, Hemingway Editor goes beyond simple grammar checking and analyzes text for readability.

Software versus professional writers

While it is a powerful tool, it should be noted that the Grammarly Chrome extension will not find all errors within a text. For example, it won’t always notice when a writer has used an incorrect word with the same spelling as the desired word. In addition, it might even highlight grammar points that a professional writer would not consider to be an error.

Some experienced writers will find it irritating that Grammarly picks out elements of their writing style and identifies them as errors. Grammarly’s advice is heavily weighted towards online writing, rather than technical or academic texts.

In some cases, it may still be worth enlisting the services of a human proofreader to ensure a text is perfect. Grammarly offers a human proofreading service through the premium subscription.

Powerful but flawed online grammar checker

From grammar and spelling to style and tone, Grammarly for Chrome helps users eliminate writing errors in anything they write online. Once the browser extension is installed, writers receive suggestions from Grammarly instantly as they produce a range of online content including social media updates, emails, blog posts, articles, and book chapters.

Download Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant APK for Android

Premium features include:

✓ Vocabulary enhancement

✓ Clarity improvements

✓ Tone adjustments

✓ Word choice

✓ Formality level

✓ Fluency

Available Versions of Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant

Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant v2.60.46972
Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant vLatest
App Store
Grammarly-AI Writing Assistant v2.60.46972

The free version of Grammarly is useful for writers on a tight budget, while paid-for premium upgrades offer an extended range of functionality. Despite sometimes failing to highlight errors, the Grammarly for Chrome extension is undoubtedly a powerful tool for improving and perfecting online writing.

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