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Sweatcoin・Walking Step Counter

Published on November 18, 2024
Sweatcoin uses its own algorithm to count your steps. That means that, unlike other apps, we don’t track your location and we don’t have to share any
Name Sweatcoin・Walking Step Counter
Package Name
Publisher Sweatco Ltd
Category Health & Fitness
Version 185.0.1
Size 20MB
Price FREE
Requires Android
Link Download Play Store

Sweatcoin is a new breed of step counter and activity tracker that converts your steps into a currency you can spend on gadgets, sports and fitness kit, services and experiences.

Table of contents
Sweatcoin・Walking Step Counter Sweatcoin・Walking Step Counter Sweatcoin・Walking Step Counter Sweatcoin・Walking Step Counter Sweatcoin・Walking Step Counter Sweatcoin・Walking Step Counter

About Sweatcoin・Walking Step Counter

Sweatcoin is a new breed of step counter and activity tracker that converts your steps into a currency you can spend on gadgets, sports and fitness kit, services and experiences.

Sweatcoin is an achievement tracker for a new generation. Spend sweatcoins earned on goods, services and experiences with our partner brands in the marketplace. Or, if you're feeling generous, you can exchange them with your friends and family and even donate to amazing causes through Sweatcoin for good.

The fitter and healthier you become, the wealthier you get. Movement has value!

You’ll earn sweatcoins whether you exercise at home or outside. Sweatcoin’s activity tracker will let you keep track of your progress: counting steps and monitoring your exercising activity.

Download Sweatcoin so you can redeem offers for free thanks to our marketplace, filled with exclusive discounts and products.

Whether you want to get in shape, lose weight or keep track of your fitness level, Sweatcoin is the perfect app to stay healthy.

You can use Sweatcoin on your smartphone (Android or iPhone) and in your smartwatch (currently on Apple Watch, stay tuned for Android Wear compatibility). You just need to take one step to begin!



Sweatcoin will run in the background, wasting no battery, to count your steps as a distance tracker and pacer.


Get exclusive offers for free, prizes and discounts that you will not find anywhere else.


Sweatcoin uses its own algorithm to count your steps. That means that, unlike other apps, we don’t track your location and we don’t have to share any information with a third party. Your data is only yours (and will always be!).

Available Versions of Sweatcoin・Walking Step Counter

Sweatcoin・Walking Step Counter v185.0.1
Sweatcoin・Walking Step Counter v185.0.1

Sweatcoin is an attractive app with an incredibly user-friendly interface. The functionality of the Sweatcoin app does, however, rely on having the location services of your device activated, which can prematurely drain battery charge. There are great offers available on the marketplace, but the process of attaining some of the more desirable ones is definitely a marathon rather than a sprint.

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