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BSNL Selfcare

Published on December 26, 2024
We’re excited to announce the all-new BSNL Selfcare App, revamped with the latest BSNL theme. BSNL is now "Connecting Bharat."
Name BSNL Selfcare
Publisher BSNL
Category Productivity
Version 2.0.6
Size 34.1MB
Price FREE
Requires Android
Link Download Play Store
Play Store 📱 All-new BSNL Selfcare App – All BSNL services in one place! 😊

BSNL Selfcare is an app that is specially designed for our customers to get a better experience. It has been enhanced to provide a better UI and improved user experience.

Table of contents
BSNL Selfcare BSNL Selfcare BSNL Selfcare BSNL Selfcare BSNL Selfcare

Introduce about BSNL Selfcare

BSNL Selfcare is the official app of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), an Indian telecom operator founded in September 2000. Thanks to the official app, this operator's customers can carry out tons of transactions, such as checking and paying bills.

Take full control of your BSNL Mobile and Landline/FTTH services conveniently at your fingertips.

The app's ✨ new and improved UI ✨ is designed to give you ultimate control with these power-packed features:

📊 Interactive dashboards: Access detailed usage statistics with ease.

⚡ One-touch recharge/top-up: Recharge prepaid mobile plans with the best recommendations tailored for you.

💳 Easy bill payments: Instantly view and pay Postpaid, Landline, and FTTH bills, including total, unbilled, and outstanding amounts.

👥 Manage multiple accounts: Add BSNL Mobile and Landline/FTTH numbers for friends and family to handle their transactions effortlessly.

⏰ Plan expiration alerts: Receive timely notifications when your active plan or pack is about to expire.

New features for your convenience:

🚫 Do Not Disturb (DND) management: Block spam calls and messages by managing your preferences directly in the app.

🔢 Pick your preferred BSNL number: Select a BSNL mobile number that suits you best with our new number selection feature.

📞 Complaint management: Log and manage complaints for Mobile and Landline/FTTH services effortlessly.

All these features are crafted to deliver an enhanced customer experience! Stay tuned for more exciting updates in future releases. 🌟

Manage all your services

BSNL Selfcare allows you to consult everything related to the services you've contracted, including mobile lines or fixed Internet lines. You can also add other phone numbers for family and friends to your account to manage their rates. All the lines on your account include detailed data, such as the monthly cost, the type of plan, the amount of data available, and the renewal date.

Check your bills and usage in real time

BSNL Selfcare makes it easy to check your invoices. You'll receive a notification whenever a new one is generated, and you can even pay for it through the app. You'll also be able to consult your usage details and the total price, as well as the real-time consumption of your data and minutes, complete with statistics.

Receive alerts about your services

BSNL Selfcare also sends you notifications about the services you've contracted. For example, if you're a prepaid customer, you'll receive an alert when you run out of credit, or when your active plan or package is about to expire. From the app, you can renew your package and top up your account.

Available Versions of BSNL Selfcare

BSNL Selfcare v2.0.6
BSNL Selfcare vLatest
App Store
BSNL Selfcare v2.0.6

Download BSNL Selfcare's APK to manage everything related to your rates and plans from BSNL.

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