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Digi Yatra

Published on January 20, 2025
Name Digi Yatra
Package Name
Publisher Digi Yatra Foundation
Category Travel & Local
Version Latest
Size Varies
Price FREE
Requires Android
Link Download Play Store

Digi Yatra is an app from the Digi Yatra Foundation to verify passengers at airports without needing to use physical documents. This way, the identification process at checkpoints, security, and boarding gates is made much faster since there's no longer any need to show documents.

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Digi Yatra Digi Yatra Digi Yatra Digi Yatra Digi Yatra Digi Yatra Digi Yatra Digi Yatra Digi Yatra Digi Yatra

Introduce about Digi Yatra

Where we strive to provide you with an exceptional digital travel experience. In this latest update, we've listened to your feedback and made significant improvements to ensure our app meets your expectations.

Digi Yatra uses facial recognition as a biometric verification method. Simply perform a face scan with the app and link an identifying document (such as a passport or your Aadhaar number). After that, all you have to do is scan your face at one of the verification points, and once your face is identified, the authorities will be able to confirm your identity with the document you've uploaded to the app.

We genuinely appreciate your support and value your feedback. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for future updates, please don't hesitate to contact our dedicated support team. Together, we'll continue to shape Digi Yatra into the ultimate companion for your digital travel needs.

Special lines for Digi Yatra users

Airports affiliated with Digi Yatra have special lines and checkpoints for anyone who uses this app. This, in addition to speeding up verification, seeks to promote the use of digital and paperless identification. You can also add your boarding pass to the app, in which case you don't have to show it when you get on the plane.

Thank you for choosing Digi Yatra and being a part of our journey towards excellence!

Available Versions of Digi Yatra

Digi Yatra vLatest
Google Play
Digi Yatra vLatest
App Store
Digi Yatra vLatest

Download Digi Yatra's APK to enjoy your travels without having to show an ID.

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