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GlassWire Data Usage Monitor

Published on May 15, 2024
GlassWire is the ultimate data usage monitor for Android! Our app makes it easy to monitor your mobile data usage, data limits, and WiFi network activ
Name GlassWire Data Usage Monitor
Publisher Domotz Inc
Category TOOLS
Version 3.0.388r
Size 8.11MB
Price FREE
Requires Android 6.0 and up
MOD Features -
Link Download Play Store

GlassWire is the ultimate data usage monitor for Android! Our app makes it easy to monitor your mobile data usage, data limits, and WiFi network activity.

Table of contents
GlassWire Data Usage Monitor GlassWire Data Usage Monitor GlassWire Data Usage Monitor GlassWire Data Usage Monitor GlassWire Data Usage Monitor GlassWire Data Usage Monitor GlassWire Data Usage Monitor GlassWire Data Usage Monitor

Introduce about GlassWire Data Usage Monitor

GlassWire is a comprehensive network monitoring tool that provides real-time information about your internet usage. It offers a user-friendly interface and a range of features to help you understand and optimize your network bandwidth effectively. By visualizing your network activity, GlassWire empowers you to make informed decisions regarding your internet usage.

What is GlassWire Data Usage Monitor?

Protecting your privacy – 20 million users protected! Our Windows and Android software combined have been downloaded over 20 million times! We make money through sales of our GlassWire for Windows software, not by selling your data to third parties. With GlassWire your data and app usage information never leave your phone. GlassWire will NEVER show you ads or violate your privacy. Instantly block badly behaving apps with GlassWire’s firewall Instantly allow or deny new app connections with GlassWire’s new mobile firewall. 

The Firewall feature is based on a VPN connection (VpnService API) that GlassWire creates to block connections from unwanted applications. GlassWire never uses your personal information for commercial purposes, advertisement, or shares it with third parties. Supported mobile networks & providers GlassWire’s data manager features work great with many different mobile data providers and telecoms world-wide including Verizon, T-Mobile, Vodaphone, AT&T, Sprint, Magenta, and Jio. 

It’s also compatible with 3G, 4G, 5G, Edge, GPRS, Wi-Fi, and most other popular telecommunications networks. GlassWire can also provide you with Internet usage alerts if your Cable, DSL, or Satellite ISP has data caps.

Download GlassWire Data Usage Monitor APK for Android

GlassWire is an app that lets you screen the behavior of the apps installed in your smartphone. Doing this will help you find out if they are reducing your connection’s speed or using more data than they should. From GlassWire’s main page you can see a graph that describes the Internet consumption off all the apps in your smartphone. On the upper left corner you can change the timespan shown in the graph: from 5 minutes up to 90 days. Also, clicking on a specific app will show you its graph. Another great feature of GlassWire is that all the information stays in your Android. In the app you can check that the information will never be sent anywhere, unlike most of the other apps in your smartphone. GlassWire is an excellent tool to monitor your apps that offers you really useful features and an elegant and appealing interface.

Available Versions of GlassWire Data Usage Monitor

GlassWire Data Usage Monitor v3.0.388r
GlassWire Data Usage Monitor v3.0.388r

Please join our forum and let us know, or email us at We read every email! Bug & problem reporting Find a bug or another problem? 

Go to the bottom right three line menu button inside the GlassWire app, then choose “Send Feedback” with debug logs so we can fix the problem. Thanks for trying GlassWire. We hope we helped protect your privacy along with saving you money in the process. 

 Sincerely, The GlassWire Team

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